Six years ago, we embarked on a journey that began as a humble Twitter account, @chocolatetweets. The idea was sparked by the alarming news that the world chocolate supply was under threat. For us, the thought of a world without chocolate was unimaginable. What started as a way to understand the industry and the incredible people behind it has grown into something truly special: the World Chocolate Directory.

Our vision remains the same: to create an exhaustive list of everything in the chocolate industry, from the beans to the bars and everything in between. Along the way, weโ€™ve had the pleasure of learning from and supporting the incredible artisans, farmers, and chocolatiers who make this world sweeter.

The directory has always been an act of love, not born from a solid business plan but from a passion for chocolate and a desire to help the industry thrive. Weโ€™ve faced challenges, from the painstaking work of gathering and maintaining data to taking a stand against unethical practices in the chocolate world. The anti-slavery movement taught us hard but valuable lessons, and today, weโ€™re proud to promote ethical, organic, and small-batch chocolatiers while celebrating the vibrant bean-to-bar movement.

Over these six years, weโ€™ve embraced new technologies, shared countless stories, and received heartwarming feedback from the industry. None of this would have been possible without the hands that pitched in to help build and grow this directory. To all of you, thank you!

As we look to the future, weโ€™re excited to explore innovations like AI to keep our directory current, ensure no chocolate shop goes unnoticed, growing our outreach and support team, and continue connecting chocolate lovers to the people and products theyโ€™ll adore.

To our readers, supporters, and the chocolate industry at large: thank you for making these six years so sweet. Hereโ€™s to many more!

๐Ÿซ With love,
The World Chocolate Directory Team

Author: Chocolate - The world's largest chocolate directory and a leading chocolate blog!

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