World renown American medical doctor and author opines on  healthiness of chocolate:

“Chocolate is really good for you as long as you are getting the active polyphenols in chocolate. In terms of chocolate bar, the higher the concentration of chocolate or cocoa solids or cacao, the better, and 70% and above is what you should try for. If you’re looking at cocoa powder, and I’m not talking about making a drink out of cocoa, you’re actually looking for what’s called non-alkalized or non-Dutch cocoa, and that’s because the Dutch invented a way of making the bitterness go away in chocolate. That’s why it’s called Dutch. But it actually takes away all the benefit in chocolate. So, if you don’t taste bitter[ness] in chocolate that you’re eating, you can bet its been alkalized or Dutch. So always look on a cocoa powder to make sure it says non-Dutch or non-alkalized.”


Author: Chocolate - The world's largest chocolate directory and a leading chocolate blog!