Hello all, just a quick post to thank everyone for their hard work on WorldChocolateDirectory.org and for the chocolatiers we have listed for the encouraging words of support, as well as our affiliate partners for believing in us, as well as the good people and AI at Google, but especially the hard working team from UpWork! To mention a few names: Rosa, Saiban, Rabia, Senith, and Ruth! You guys are rock stars! Thank you for everything you do! I’m learning a lot from you! The site has grown significantly in January 2021 because of you. We’ve added a lot more new recipes for everyone to check out and we encourage everyone try them!
As we roll into February 2021, we are entertaining some new logo concepts (!) and working on enhancing our social media presence (Instagram, Facebook, LinkedIn, Twitter, Pinterest) and building a consistent program that will be engaging and meet the needs of our viewers and also help to further promote the chocolatiers in our directory on an ongoing basis as an added bonus for membership! We also are chewing on some new feature ideas which will be more engaging and interactive. Stay tuned for more on that! Are there any features you’d like to see on the WCD? Let us know! There are no ideas that are too silly to be considered seriously.
On membership, we have not really mentioned other membership levels besides the free membership, though ideas are being tossed around about offering a very inexpensive upgrade level or two to allow the members to take more control of their page, assuming the demand to do so is there. My focus at present, however, is on efficiently building and maintaining the traffic to the site to make membership that much more valuable!
I, for one, can attest that my chocolate consumption has increased since we relaunched this site late in 2020, so the marketing is working! 😀
I know everyone is getting ready for Valentine’s Day. I’ve been seeing some amazing Valentine’s Day chocolate creations on social media. We hope to bring more of that to the WCD and back out through our channels to help our beloved chocolatiers!
Happy Valentine’s Day, in advance! Remember: Chocolate Loves You as Much as You Love Chocolate!
Laban Johnson, Publisher