Six years ago, we embarked on a journey that began as a humble Twitter account, @chocolatetweets. The idea was sparked by the alarming news that the world chocolate supply was under threat. For us, the thought of a world without
🍫 The Rise of Vegan Chocolate: Our Most-Searched Term Revealed! 🌱
Chocolate lovers, we’ve got some sweet news for you! Our latest analysis shows that “vegan” is the most-searched term on the World Chocolate Directory. This comes as no surprise with the growing popularity of plant-based diets and conscious consumerism. 📈🌎
Exciting News for Chocolate Enthusiasts and Industry Professionals!
We are thrilled to announce that the World Chocolate Directory is expanding its offerings and services for chocolate enthusiasts and industry professionals alike. Our website has become the go-to source for all things chocolate, with our comprehensive directory listings of
Database work in progress
Please bear with us as we make some updates in the database to improve the navigation of our directory by location. You may receive notifications that your listing has been updated. Thank you to everyone who has provided invaluable feedback
What is your greatest challenge as a chocolatier / chocolate maker, or chocolate business?
The World Chocolate Directory asks: What is your greatest challenge as a chocolatier / chocolate maker, chocolate business? In able to serve the chocolate community better, the World Chocolate Directory is surveying chocolatiers, chocolate makers, and more. You can respond
Add your WhatsApp# to your WCD Listing!
We noticed an increasing number of chocolate companies are preferring WhatsApp for fastest contact with customers and suppliers. That’s why, starting today, chocolate companies can now add their WhatsApp number to their directory listing. This article at BackLinkO explains
How to Claim Your WCD Listing
Is your business listed in our directory but you want to update, renew or change your listing? Membership is required to manage your listing on World Chocolate Directory. Don’t worry, it’s free and easy to sign up! Please complete these
Follow the’s LinkedIn Page at #chocolate
Or Follow us at Other Social Media Locations: Join the World of Chocolate Facebook Group! We love to hear from you! Follow
Come See What’s On Sale! Shop the World Chocolate Directory’s Online Store On Sale Page!
ATTENTION CHOCOLATE SHOPPERS! Save this link! Many popular chocolate items that have been reduced in Amazon and other online stores appear here! Log in to your account so that you can subscribe to topics you're interested in! Login
Chocolate in North America
Chocolate in North America by country and location as mentioned in the (page under construction) “The North American region has witnessed an increase in preference for the premium chocolate range, along with a growth in sales of low caloric